Tag software

How To Make Hy-lang More User-Friendly

Hy(lang) is a LISP-family programming language built on top of Python. You get the rich Python language & library ecosystem, with a LISP...

Inkscape Animation with SVG Animation Assistant

Update! SVG Flipbook is an app doing flipbook-style layer animation with Inkscape. SVG Animation Assistant is an open source companion...

Startup Idea: Web App Installer

Although it is an exadgeration to say that app stores are dead it is true that web apps (applications that run in a web browser) and the...

OMG Not Another TODO List Application

My wife and I needed a collaborative shopping list that we could update from our phones. There are proprietary solutions to this but...

miniCast web based podcast app

miniCast is a self-hosted web app for listening to podcasts. I wrote it while learning ClojureScript. The back-end API is written in...

ImageSnapper Chrome Extension

ImageSnapper is a Chrome browser extension I wrote a while back for generating an RSS feed of found images. When you right-click an...

RSS Image Feed Picture Frame

I should probably post more on here about the thing I spend most of my time doing - writing code. RSS Image Feed Picture Frame is a...