
Functions for wrangling HTML and rendering Reagent components into selectors.


($ element selector)

Shorthand for CSS style querySelector on parsed HTML element such as the document returned by the parse function or a sub-element.


($$ element selector)

Shorthand for CSS style querySelectorAll on parsed HTML element such as the document returned by the parse function or a sub-element.


(direct-to-template res template & selector-component-pairs)

Render selector component Reagent pairs into the HTML template string and use the express res to send the resulting HTML to the client.


(parse html-string)

Shorthand for node-html-parser’s parse function. Returns a dom-like document object (HTMLElement) that can be manipulated as in the browser.


(render form)

Shorthand for Reagent’s render-to-static-markup.


(render-anything source & args)

Render anything to HTML. If source is a Reagent form, render-to-static-markup is used. If source is a jsdom HTMLElement or other type of object .toString is used. If source is a fn it will be called with any args that were passed. If source is already a string it is passed through with no change.


(render-into html-string selector reagent-forms)

Render a Reagent component into the chosen element of an HTML document.

  • html-string is the HTML document to be modified.
  • selector is a CSS-style selector such as #app or main.
  • reagent-forms is a valid Reagent component.


(select-apply template & selector-application-pairs)

Parse template if it is a string and then run each of selector-applications on it. If it is already a document-like object it won’t be parsed first. The selector-applications should each be an array like: [selector document-method-name ...arguments]. For each one the selector will be run and then the method run on the result, with arguments passed to the method. The special ‘method’ setHTML expects a Reagent form which will be rendered and innerHTML will be set to the result.